i sold my soul to fugacious satisfaction

Ich will den Kapitalismus lieben, ich will und kann es nicht
und das wird so weiter geh'n bis einer von uns zusammenbricht.

(Funny van Dannen)

dear capitalism,

could you please fuck my brain.
i've bought that tv-set you told me to buy and now i'm waiting for you to tell me what i want.

- oh yes, you're right, you know me and my feelings. -

how handy that i can buy all the accessories to perfect my identity. you know, i'm fragile, i'm looking for love and security, like those handsome people in the commercials. cheerful mothers, happy children, and a generous father they can rely on. a kiss under a spreading chestnut tree.

it all makes perfectly sense.

really, you think i could be a winner, too? am i worthy enough to be one of those prosperous people you show me all the time? am i brave enough to succeed in that tough competition of yours? oh dear, i could be a winner. imagine. it just needs some effort and ambition!

you know what: i love you for fucking my brain. i actually need you. i'm afraid, if you take out your dick of my head, that only a blank and unsubstantial skull will be left.


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